
Jobs first: Suspend ObamaCare proposal

уволился после увольнения числюсь генеральным директором еженедельный непрерывный отдых продолжительностью не менее 42 часов какие резолюции можно ставить на документах сколько положено работать ребенку в рб высшая юридическая сила конституции административное наказание в состоянии алкогольного опьянения 01 промилле можно ли разделить ставку на 2 человека временная регистрация в москве на сколько условия для получения выплаты молодому специалисту использование огнестрельного оружия в качестве самообороны установление родства заявление квалификационный справочник должностей руководителей специалистов и служащих документы на получение квартиры для сироты где будет строиться метро иск на гражданина иного

Congress is back on vacation and will not return until approximately September 2nd with 12 budget deadlines approaching. They need to fund the government for a year.

Their best solution is to delay ObamaCare until the unemployment rate reaches about 6% with a legitimate count, says Letchworth.

Watch Liz’s video to get a full understanding and what is and what is not going on in the senate. Congressional confidence is at it’s lowest point ever and Elizabeth B. Letchworth at GradeGov.com confirms that.

She believes that citizens are looking for more ways to be heard. Letchwoth has a solution and not just in Washington, with the announcement that GradeGov.com plans to expand its service through the sale of state franchises.

“My goal is that when people think of GradeGov.com they think of grading government nationally and locally, and not in a partisan way,” said GradeGov.com founder Elizabeth Letchworth, who has overseen the delivery of more than 150,000 report cards to members of Congress. The first TV show segment of the 2012 season was the melodrama that surrounded the payroll tax holiday extension bill. The President re-cast the bill in a new role whereby the "producers" called it a tax break for the "little guy."

“It’s so hard to break through the noise to remind our elected officials who they work for. I want it to be simple and easy, not only in Congress, but in statehouses across the country.” People interested in buying a state franchise can get more information at GradeGov.com or they can also call .

The beauty of GradeGov.com is its simplicity. After creating an account, users pick the representative they wish to grade, choose an A-F letter grade and follow the grade up with an optional message.

Letchworth, who worked 26 years in the U.S. Senate, makes certain the report cards are sent to the appropriate person in each respective office.

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Posted by Elizabeth B. Letchworth on Sep 4 2013. Filed under Breaking, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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