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The founders of this news-page choose to be partners and supporters of  “Americas Mighty Warriors,” an organization founded on the name of Marc Alan Lee, the first U.S. Navy Seal killed in Iraq on August 02, 2006.

The founders of PRonlineNews accept the challenges in Marc’s last letter home and strive to pass on the kindness, love and the precious gift of human life through random acts of kindness that will impact and honor our military, the fallen and their families for selfless service and sacrifice.

‘We ask you to please offer a charitable contribution to ”Americas Mighty Warriors“ with a click here or on Marc’s logo below.’

Judges 6:12    ‘“The Lord is with you Mighty Warrior.”

10 % of all proceeds from this news-page are contributed to the foundation in honor of the commitment made by all the Marc Alan Lee’s who gave their lives so that we are able to continue the tradition of belief in our constitution.



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PRonlineNews.com Contributors

Hank Richards:

A risk manager who specializes in crisis management for his firm, PRonlineNews. He is a national guest speaker on cancer and is a prostate cancer survivor. Richards writes for various media, has published a book and spent 7 years in business ventures throughout the Middle East. He is a co-founder of this website and you can contact him by email at

Alice Faye:

An international stylist who has traveled to more than 20 countries and visited hundreds of cities; and the only American to have both a drivers and stylists license in Saudi Arabia. She was an owner of two salons and was rewarded for quality in service by winning a ‘small business of the year’ award in her current state; absolutely loves being a mom and grandmother and will leave home in a minute to visit her family and friends. She can be contacted by email at

Alan Caruba:

Best known these days as a commentator on issues ranging from environmentalism to energy, immigration to Islam, Alan Caruba is the author of two recent books, ““ and “” both collections of his commentaries since 2000 and both published by Merril Press of Bellevue, Washington and available on . Caruba’s commentaries are posted on many leading news and opinion websites, and frequently picked up and shared by blogs as well. Caruba has his own popular daily blog at factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com and he can be contacted by email at

Anne Marie Harpen:

A singer/songwriter from Cincinnati, Ohio who has been writing and playing music professionally since 1975. Anne has over 10 songs she has written for our country and our unborn children and just recorded her first CD “Walk The Streets In Anger.” Her website is www.harpensings.blogspot.com and she can be reached by email at

Antonio Branco:

Is currently published weekly in the “Conservative Chronicle” a national magazine, and almost daily at www.ConservativeDailyNews.com . Somewhere between the Far Side and the right side of every issue, sits A.F. Branco at his desk, crafting Comically Incorrect cartoons. After years of listening to the squeaky wheel of the left (or the worst wheel of the cart, as Benjamin Franklin put it) advance the cause of radical Liberalism, he decided that he would use the power of his bully palette to advance the conservative movement. Contact him by e-mail at

Attila Honey:

Has had a highly successful career in the New York Theatre, television and films. Attila raised and educated three sons and took on two more kids who needed help. She now has a radio show, ‘The Attila the Honey Comedy Hour’ airs on two online networks weekly: FGRN.NET and RightTalkRadio.com She and her crew are all professional actors, musicians, and a Grammy award winners who can be reached by enail at or by visiting her blogsite at www.attilathehoney.com

Dr. Avi Perry:

Host of the popular Talk Show, Politically Incorrect Straight Talk, at Paltalk News Network (PNN); author of fiction and non-fiction books—72 Virgins, and Fundamentals of Voice Quality Engineering in Wireless Networks, respectively; former experiences include VP at NMS Communications, distinguished member and manager at Bell Labs, Professor at Northwestern University, Intelligence officer in the IDF, (Israeli) top ten recording artist. Visit www.aviperry.org for further details or emal Dr. Perry at

Barbara C. Johnson:

As an activist-attorney, she received a Woman of the Year award from the Fatherhood Coalition. Her activism had grown out of her early outside interests. As a film consultant, she advised the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Bicentennial Committee. She conceived, produced and moderated ‘Think Tank,’ a cable-TV series on local government and business. Barbara can be reached by email at or visit her websites at www.falseallegations.com or www.barbforgovernor.com

Barry Sommer:

is a native of Los Angeles and worked with his Dad at his store on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood for many years. Barry moved to Oregon in 1994 after the great quake in California and settled down working several jobs over the years. He now concentrates on writing, lecturing, teaching and research on Islam, the Middle East, Israel and Islamic countries. Barry lives in Eugene with his two cats, Tracy and Casper along the Willamette River. Barry is a blog activist and can be reached by email at or comment at his blog www.islamtodayoregon.blogspot.com

Benjamin Smith:

Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith served with the Elite Special Forces group from 2000-2006. He deployed on numerous covert missions to South America, Africa and the Middle East as he upheld the oath he took to defend our country against enemies,foreign and domestic. Benjamin is also an actor, model, contributing author, public speaker, and Constitutionalist. Email him at

Blaise Ingoglia is the founder of Government Gone Wild which features live motivational seminars, videos and articles educating people about the dangers of big government. The videos he has produced have over 4 millions views on YouTube and have been featured on The Drudge Report. He has traveled the country as a motivational speaker sharing the spotlight with icons such as Donald Trump and Tony Robbins. His website is www.governmentgonewild.org and he can be reached at

Brian Parks:

Has enjoyed 20+ years in the Vacation Resort industry as a sales and marketing professional. He has raised 3 sons to voting age and now looks forward to writing and playing as much golf as possible. He enjoys working and sharing ideas with grass roots activists, his strong passion in the past 2 years and can be reached by email at or visit Brian’s website at brian.thomassilence.com

Carla Bonney:

A Tea Party organizer in California who is married with a large family and is a Christian. Carla’s first inspiration to join the tea party was Rick Santelli’s ‘rant.’ She volunteered to organize Ventura County, CA and has hosted many rallies with thousands in attendance. She has appeared on ABC, FoxNews and NBC news representing her local tea party. She has written published articles and is launching a new critical teaparty group called, “Tea Party Observers.” Carla can be contacted by email at or stay up to date with her events at www.madandngttia.com .

Carol A. Taber

Carol A. Taber is a communications professional, and a former publisher of national women’s magazines. She is now president of The Family Security Foundation, Inc., FamilySecurityMatters.orglaunched after 9/11. FSM’s mission is to educate and inform Americans about all issues related to national and family security and sovereignty. By building a more engaged and educated electorate, her goal is to strengthen American democracy by increasing civic spirit and political literacy.

Connie Voss:

Connie is a political activist, blogger and tea partier from California. Being born and raised in a border state, she has seen firsthand the disastrous outcome of liberal immigration policy. She has been a volunteer hotline counselor for Right to Life, and a Neighborhood Watch coordinator. Recently, she was added to the staff of Major General Paul Vallely and Stand Up America, as a regional director. She enjoys her family, fitness, church involvement, and gardening. Contact her at or on her website at www.BestKitchenMachines.com

Dan Samaria:

Is the Publisher and Managing Editor of the Gold Coast Chronicle in North Miami, Florida. Dan’s goal is to be a leader in the fight for the protection of children along with giving the public what they want in media coverage, the truth. Dan felt that the best way to accomplish this was to publish two different newspapers; one that will focus on just children issues and the other to be the eyes and ears for you the readers. He can be reached by email at with his publication site at www.goldcoastchronicle.com

Dan Youra:

Dan Youra is an author, columnist and editorial cartoonist. As student of politics and international intrigue, he edited Current Thought on Peace and War at the U. N. Secretariat in New York. He earned his degree in international studies at the University of Wisconsin, added graduate courses in political science at Ohio State University and traveled to Latin America on a Fulbright scholarship. Youra’s work is reviewed as “life enhancing’ in the Times of London. You can reach Dan by email at or visit his websiteat www.rightontoon.com

Daria Anne DiGiovianni:

A passionate wordsmith, DiGiovanni’s experience includes copywriting, website content, ghostwriting, e-proposal and RFP writing, blogging and book editing. She released her first novel, Water Signs: A Story of Love and renewal in September 2008. Her sequel, Sea to Shining Sea, is due to be released early next year. DiGiovanni hosts The Liberty Belle Hour and co-hosts Conservative Republican Forum on Blog Talk Radio. Contact Daria Anne at or visit her author’s blog at www.dariaanne.blogspot.com

Dave Hatter:

Dave is an award winning small business owner and serial entrepreneur with 2 decades of programming and consulting experience, various industry certifications and a BS in Information Systems. He has written or contributed to 12 books and serves as an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. Additionally, Dave served 8 years in the U.S. Army Reserve and is 6th term member of the Fort Wright, KY City Council. Contact Dave by email at dhatter@libertastechnolog

Dave Perkins:

Spent decades in the broadcasting industry as a morning show host, including a stint at WGAR FM in Cleveland and a radio station owner. He lived in Australia, Brussels, Belgium and traveled Europe for 3 years. He attended the very first Dallas Tea Party in February 2009, along with 9/12/09 in DC and many others. Dave can be contaceted by email at

Dave Ramsey:

Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – , and . Ramsey offers life-changing, financial advice as host of a nationally syndicated radio program, The Dave Ramsey Show, which is heard by 4.5 million listeners each week on 450 radio stations throughout the United States. For more information about Dave, check out his website at www.daveramsey.com and take the time to read his “Dave Says” column on his website.

David Hale:

Is the Coordinator of the Rockford Tea Party and the Regional Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots. He has been involved in conservative issues for 25 years as a Writer and Commentator on local Talk Radio and became a Tea Party Coordinator in February of 2009. He’s a US Army Veteran and currently works in the Health care Field. David can be reached by email at and encourage you to visit his website at www.rockfordteaparty.org

Dr. Donald R. May, MD, FACS

operates an ancestral farm with his wife Jane and live in Lubbock, Texas. Dr. May is an ophthamologist, an entrepreneur, a professor and Dean at the Texas Tech School of Medicine as well as a active duty Major in the U.S. Air Force. He has helped to organize companies and investment groups and a former candidate for state political office. Dr. May blogs as “Mr. Conservative” at lubbockonline.com/conservative and can be reached by email at

David Someville:

Involved in third party politics as a political activist for about ten years. His interests span a wide spectrum of political ideology; he is interested in federal corruption, Tenth Amendment State Sovereignty and the Second Amendment. He has a background as a US Army Intelligence Analyst and a Bachelors Degree in Data Processing. Contact David by email at or visit his featured website at www.irritatethestate.net

Deanna M. Murray:

Has been a journalist in online and print media for more than 20 years. The Washington D.C. resident has written about everything from sporting news to entertainment, but finds her heart lies in real issues concerning politics and the return to true patriotism. Deanna can be reached by email at

Debbie Lee:

A leading spokesperson for U.S. troops fighting in the war on terrorism, for their families and families of the fallen. She founded a non-profit organization, America’s Mighty Warriors, in response to her son’s last letter home. Her son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first Navy Seal to lose his life in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Marc, 28, was killed August 2, 2006 while on patrol by insurgents in Ramadi, Iraq. Debbie is available for speaking venues and can be reached by email at or through her website at www.americasmightywarriors.org

Debbie Lewis:

Is an independent political researcher, freelance writer/photographer and works with independent filmmaker William Lewis. Her projects include “Washington, You’re Fired,” “Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2,” and “Blood of Patriots.” Debbie is the lead writer for www.TakeBackWashington.com and hosts Securing Liberty (www.SecuringLiberty.com). She is featured in the international publications Namaste Magazine, The Sovereign and several locations on the Web. She can be reached at .

Drake Dunaway:

Is a graduate from the University of Georgia, an avid runner, and a freelance illustrator. He hosts a website www.TheDrakingPoint.com and is actively involved in the Tea Party, and the Republican Party. He’s an eternal bachelor, a conservative, a history buff, and drinks too much coffee. Drake can be reached by email at

Elizabeth B. Letchworth:

Was elected the first and only women to serve as the United States Senate Secretary for the Majority and Minority for the republicans. Currently she is the owner and founder of GradeGov.com, hosts her own bi-weekly radio show and writes for various news outlets and publications about Congress. Elizabeth’s ‘Congressional Candor’ weekly column and radio show affords the reader and listener Elizabeth’s 26 years of Senate experience and allows you to learn truly insider information about what Congress is doing and how it might effect you, your family or business. She can be reached at

Gadi Adelman:

Contributing Editor Gadi Adelman is a freelance writer and lecturer on the history of terrorism and counterterrorism. He grew up in Israel, studying terrorism and Islam for 35 years after surviving a terrorist bomb in Jerusalem in which 7 children were killed. Since returning to the U. S., Gadi teaches and lectures to law enforcement agencies as well as high schools and colleges. He can be heard every Thursday night at 8PM est. on his own radio show “AmericaAkbar” on . He can be reached through his website gadiadelman.com.

Gary Baumgarten:

Has been a journalist since 1969, writing for newspapers like the Detroit News and reporting for UPI. He is best known for reporting for the CBS and as a correspondent for CNN Radio, covering such stories as the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath and Hurricane Katrina. For the last 6 years Gary has been director of news and programming at Paltalk.com, the largest multimedia interactive program on the Internet. News Talk Online is syndicated by CRN Digital Talk Radio to an additional 12 million households. Gary can be contacted by email at or visiting his website at www.reportergary.com

Gary Franchi:

Star of the show, The Reality Report: gives it to you straight without the corporate induced spin in a fun yet hard format. Tune in every week to hear Gary Franchi break down the headlines, showcase original interviews with leading political figures, present the latest viral videos and give you the solutions that most news shows fail to deliver. Check out and sign up to his website at www.rtr.org and contact him by email at

Greg Rico:

When the Sacramento Union closed its doors, award-winning artist, Greg Rico, started looking for a new outlet to express his creativity. Greg’s penetrating political insight and sardonic sense of humor-naturally lent itself to the world of the cartoon. Greg’s extensive travels as the proud son of a Navy Purple-Heart Vet have helped to form his deep-rooted conservative values and sincere love of family; and as long as there are Republicans and Democrats in Washington making fools of themselves, Greg Rico will always have an excellent source of material. You can find all of Greg’s cartoons listed on Facebook under ‘My Thoughts’ and you may contact him at

Hassan Nurullah:

Is the husband of one wife and the father of three children. He is a partner in a marketing and branding company in Detroit, loves God and America which drives him to write essays on American society and politics. His views are conservative and unapologetically Christian. Hassan writes under the nom de plume Digital Publius; for no other reason but that he thinks the name is cool. Visit his website, www.digitalpublius.com and share your thoughts.

Howard “Mad Max” Mullen

Howard “Mad Max” Mullen, Jr. is a retired Master Sergeant from the United States Army Rangers, serving in the 75th Ranger Regiment, all 3 Ranger Battalions and seven years as a Ranger Instructor at the U.S. Army Ranger School. Mullen serves as technical advisor to independent films and appears in films involving Military Simulations (MilSim). Max Mullen is CEO/Owner of Tactical MilSim Magazine, a magazine on the cutting edge of real force training the law enforcement and military communities. His website is www.TacticalMilSim.com and Max can be reached by email at or

Holly Garcia:

Is a Christian mom of ten (10) who recently lost her husband and best friend. Holly believes that with the Lord’s help we are comforted and strengthened. She is Fine Art Dealer and feels some might label her a Bible thumper. A Christian writer, Holly believes that we obey ordinances as long as they do not compete with God’s laws. Says Holly, “the way this country has gone, there are few godly laws left. I ought to obey God rather than men. And I will call evil, evil.” Contact her by email at and view her featured website at www.blog.redeemingfilms.com or www.rockwellgraphics.com

JB Williams:

 JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American’s greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at:


James H Fitzgerald:

Is the editor and founder of RebelliousStripes.com. Fitzgerald’s goal is to rally the silent majority to retake their liberty, protect the American Dream and rediscover the fundamental principles upon which our great Republic was founded. Contact James through his email address at

Jason Ivey:

Born 1975, conservative since 1976. Originally from Orlando, FL; a resident of New York City since 1997, lives deep in enemy territory on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and works as an assistant director in film/TV; and is also an aspiring raconteur, and all-around okay guy. Jason can be contaced by email at

Jeff Crouere

Crouere is host of Ringside Politics, which airs weekdays from 7-11 a.m. CST on WGSO 990 AM in New Orleans and can be heard on several affiliate stations and on-line at www.WGSO.com . He also hosts a weekly TV show on WLAE-TV, a PBS affiliate, inNew Orleans and serves as the political analyst for ABC-26 TV inNew Orleans and can be contacted at 

Jeannie DeAngelis:

Jeannie is first a wife, mother and grandmother. A staunch conservative, Jeannie is a frequent contributor at American Thinker. Jeannie authors a blog at Jeannie-ology.com. Her hobbies include running, gardening and cooking, but mostly exercising her First Amendment rights by writing from the conservative perspective.

Jim Kouri, CPP:

Jim Kouri is a fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a columnist for The Examiner. He blogs for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB www.kgab.com. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police. He appears regularly on over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report etc. and can be reached by email at or by clicking HERE for his website and column.

Jim Neidner:

Active in all aspects of construction as well as operating a real estate company, Jim started his home building company at the age of twenty-six. Neidner Construction / Remodeling won over 28 national, state and local awards for new home construction and remodeling www.neidnerhomes.com. In the late 1990″s Jim teamed up with Leonard Pizalate and hosted a very successful national radio show, Homeline Talk Radio, which aired for six years on Houston’s #1 station KPRC-950 and KSEV-700 radio station. The show featured experts in the construction industry who would field call-in questions about their home. He than teamed with his wife, Sharon and started Neidner’s Talk Radio www.blogtalkradio.com/jim-neidner a talk show devoted mostly to politics. Jim will run for a Republican seat in 2012 and feels America needs leaders. Contact him by email at or by phone at

Jim Simpson:

BUSINESSMAN and Examiner.com columnist: Jim Simpson is a former White House staff economist and budget analyst. He’s best known for his exposé on the Cloward Piven Strategy of economic sabotage. His work has been published at Big Government, Big Peace, Emerging Corruption, American Thinker, Washington Times, WorldNetDaily, FrontPage Magazine, Soldier of Fortune, Right Side Newsand others. Check him out at his site CrisisNow or contact Jim by email at

Judson Phillips:

Founder of Tea Party Nation; ur members have joined us from all over the nation, from every state and even from foreign countries. Tea Party Nation (or TPN) is a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country. Contact us through our website at www.teapartynation.com or contact me by email at

Major Karl Gotthardt, Retired:

A Canadian Infantry Officer, with 35 years service, graduated from the Canadian Forces Land Force Command College, is the recipient of the Army Commanders Commendation and the UN Peacekeeping Medal. He served at SFOR HQ in Bosnia and was an analyst at the Canadian Maneouvre Training Centre who prepared Canadian troops for deployment to Afghanistan. Besides raising and training horses he has been a citizen journalist at now Public and Allvoices. Karl can be contacted bt email at

Kathleen D. Bray

A native of Chicago, Illinois but don’t hold that against her; she’s not corrupt like the classic Chicago political class that has made machine politics their bread and butter; born conservative and smart enough to stay one; brutally honest and can be easily brought to sarcasm with a love of history, politics and economics. Kathleen can be contacted by email at

Katy Abram:

Loved being a mom and wife. She was never a political activist nor did she have any intention to be. It wasn’t until the country was coming apart at the seams with massive debt that Katy attended a town hall meeting to question Senator Arlen Specter. Little did she know exactly how correct she was when she said “You have awakened the sleeping giant.” She was instantly a national news media sensation and quickly became one of the few faces of private citizens in the nationwide movement to stop an out of control government. Contact Katy at or visit her website at www.KatyAbram.com

Ken LaRive:

Is retired from the oil patch. Ken divides his time with grandchildren, writing, photography and Country French Antiques; all passions of the heart. He now resides with his wife Maddy in Lafayette, Louisiana and can be reached by email for comment and breaking news stories at

Colonel (R) Lawrence Sellin:

Served 29 years in the U.S. Army Reserve, has assignment experience in Special Forces and Infantry and received a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from the Army War College. Sellin is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He has a Ph.D. in Physiology, international business experience in pharmaceuticals and information technology and, since 2004, has been a columnist for United Press International and Canada Free Press. Larry can be contacted by emailing him at

Lloyd Marcus, unhyphenated black American patriot:

Lloyd Marcus was born in the ghetto of East Baltimore and by the young age of 9 recognized the entitlements from government birthed resentment and hostilities. Lloyd Marcus resides in Deltona Florida with his wife as President of the Deltona Arts & Historical Center. He travels with the Tea Party Express and appears at conservative events expressing his belief that Conservatism is best for All Americans. Lloyd is the songwriter and vocalist of the “American Tea Party Anthem.” He currently serves as president of NAACPC, National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color. Visit his website at www.LloydMarcus.com or email him at

Lynne Torgerson:

Of Minneapolis, is a lawyer, litigator, Constitutional expert, Congressional candidate, writer, public speaker, teacher and pro-Israel Christian who recently won Attorney of the Year. She wishes to educate, expose and stop the political ideological part of Islam and protect American freedoms of speech and religion. Lynne may be reached at or through her website at torgersonforcongress.com.

Mark A. Skoda

Is founder and Chairman of The Memphis TEA Party. He also hosts the Mark Skoda Show on KWAM 990, Monday through Friday from 6:00~7:00PM. He is also an industry leader in BPO who has used technology breakthroughs to re-structure business processes in multiple market segments. He is a pioneer in outsourcing supply chain business processes. He currently serves as Executive Vice President of Greystone Digital Technologies. In addition, Skoda brings eleven years of international experience in outsourcing and acquisitions while living in Europe, Japan and Asia. Contact Mark by email at and visit him on his websites: www.markskoda.com and www.thememphisteaparty.com

Marta Sosa:

Born in La Habana, Cuba where she lived for 10 years under the oppressive Communist regime of Fidel Castro. During those 10 years in Cuba, her dream and fervent desire was to leave the country. Marta thinks that is the desire of every Cuban, to express themselves freely, be it through music, writing, speaking or art. She lives in Minneapolis where and hosts Cubanarama Blog Talk Radio. Marta can be reached by email at or visit her website at www.cubanarama.com

Major General Paul E. Vallely, U.S. Army, Retired

“We now must call for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetero aka/ President Barack Hussein Obama, based on incompetence, deceit, fraud, corruption, dishonesty and violation of the U.S. oath of office and the Constitution,” he said in remarks delivered to a Lincoln Reagan dinner in Virginia City, Mont., last week and published today on the Stand Up America website. Visit that website at www.standupamericaus.com

Mary Jane “POPPY” Popp

Has the innate ability to communicate with the masses, yet maintain a one-on-one relationship with her guests and audience. She has interviewed the most exciting personalities from politicos like the Reagans to Hollywood notables like Suzanne Somers to spirituals like Deepak Chopra. From singer and actress to reporter, anchor and talk show host, Mary Jane brings her life experience to the microphone to enlighten and entertain. As author of “Marilyn, Joe, and Me” she has been interviewed by CNN, FoxNews, and a myriad of national TV, radio, and newspapers. Contact her at and tune in to her daily radio program from 10:00pm until midnight (pacific) at www.kahi.com. Her personal website is www.poppoff.com

Michael R. Shannon

Is an election and award–winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. His knowledge of politics and advertising — combined with an active sense of humor — make him a much sought after keynote speaker and university lecturer. Shannon’s clients include candidates, companies and public affairs organizations. He offers advertising, crisis communication, media training, message development and public relations services. Shannon can be reached at

Lt. Colonel Oliver L. North:

Is a combat decorated marine, a #1 best-selling author, the founder of a small business, an inventor with three U.S. patents, a syndicated columnist and the host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel. He claims his most important accomplishment is to be “the husband of one, the father of four and the grandfather of twelve.” Assigned to the National Security Council Staff in the Reagan administration, North was the United States government’s counter-terrorism coordinator from 1983-1986. Ollie serves as the Freedom Alliance organization’s Honorary Chairman founded in 1990 and can be reached through the website www.FreedomAlliance.org .

Paul Driessen:

Is senior policy adviser for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), public policy institutes that promote environmental stewardship, the enhancement of human health and welfare, and personal liberties and civil rights. He writes and speaks on the environment, energy, economic development, malaria eradication, human rights and corporate social responsibility. His articles have appeared across all media in the U.S. and around the world. His book, Eco-Imperialism: Green Power – Black Death, in its second printing, documents the harm that restrictive environmental policies often have on poor people, especially in developing countries, by restricting their access to life-enhancing modern technologies.

Richard C. Davis, MD

Formed PatriotStorm™ LLC to spearhead the largest integrated class-action lawsuit in history. The litigation will be directed against a single defendant: the Federal Reserve System; and is designed to abolish this private banking monopoly whose policies have led the nation to the brink of economic collapse. Dr. Davis is a successful entrepreneur, inventor, physician and former U.S. Naval Officer. For more information, visit www.SUEtheFED.com.

Sharon Neidner:

Principal of Neidner Construction, has a diverse background ranging from construction accounting, construction management, human resource and management in the staffing industry. After ten years experience as Accounting Manager for a staffing company in Houston, Sharon was promoted to CFO of the newest division M-Temp and responsible for weekly payroll for over six hundred employees in seven sites. As co-host Neidner’s Talk Radio, she gives a woman’s perspective on current events. Let’s Win America back. Contact her by email at or tune into the radio show at www.blogtalkradio.com/jim-neidner on Sundays. Check the ‘blogtalk’ website for the time of broadcast.

Stella Lohman:

A former broadcast journalist living in the Atlanta area. Stella is a seasoned mutli media communications expert having worked in radio and television, corporate communications, events and political consulting. She has worked as a locations manager and extra in major motion pictures as well as used her photography skills to cover sports, rallies, conventions and branding ventures nationally. Visit her at her website www.StellaLohmann.com, on FaceBook at Stella Lohmann and Freedom Czars of America or contac her by email at

Stephen Barber:

A Christian and a free lance writer currently based in Central Florida. He has always been passionate about issues that affect us all, and presents himself as a constitutionally conservative patriotic American Christian. He loves to write, viewing writing as a tool to make people aware of his main concern: truth triumphing over lies in people’s hearts and minds for God’s glory and eternal good. Contact Stephen by email at and check out his featured website at www.infowars.com

Tim Cox:

With 25 years of experience in the high-tech world, author Tim Cox has worked side-by-side with many powerful individuals. But after helping Dell grow to a $55 billion Fortune 25 giant, he walked away from a lucrative career in the tech industry, and rededicating his life to a bold and noble cause. His plan, to evict each current house member, all 435 of them, and replace them with ordinary citizens. Cox has released “Get Out of Our House: Revolution” GOOOH from Bridgeway Books. You can contact Tim through the GOOOH website at www.goooh.com

Trade Martin:

A composer, arranger, recording artist, and Grammy Award winning producer for B.B. King; besides major jingles and recordings, Martin also writes distinctive poetry, political opinion and humor. Currently, he is completing his ‘Politically Speaking CD’ and an all-original ‘Duets Plus CD’ where Trade wails the blues with the legendary B.B. King. For more information about this legend, visit his website at www.trademartinmusic.com


Vin Ienco

Is a writer for various blog and news media and publishes a synopsis opinion on Islam and Sharia law on a weekly basis. Join Vin at his website, vinienco.com or contact him by email at

Will Lyster:

Will Lyster makes his living as a Professional Photographer and a Construction Project Manager, in Central Virginia. He writes frequently has been published in The Richmond Times Dispatch, The Daily Progress, The Palm Beach Post, The Huffington Post and elsewhere.Will has lived and traveled in almost every continental state in America and is a seasoned world traveler. He is an advocate of Second Amendment Rights, has carried a concealed firearm on a daily basis for over 24 years and is a member of the NRA. Will now lives in central Virginia with his wife and can be reached by email at or through a visit to his website at will.lyster.us

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