
The Actor’s Journey

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MJ Popp Actors Journey

The Actor’s Journey by Mary Jane Popp


Listen to the POPPOFF Radio Show

Do you remember the Douglas family that we grew up with? It’s been a while, but the classic TV show “My Three Sons” debuted way back in 1960 and ran through 1972.

The series is TV’s second longest running situation-comedy, and has been broadcast continuously for 53 years. It’s run on Nickelodeon and TV Land, and now you can see it on MeTV.

It has become a smash hit with a whole new generation from Japan to Australia and many European countries in between.

Just ask Stanley Livingston who played Chip Douglas for the full 12 year run. How popular is this iconic TV series? The city of Los Angeles declared “My three Sons Day” in May of 2012. But Chip, I mean Stanley didn’t let the grass grow under his feet with the “oh gee whiz, I’m not a kid star anymore.” He has gone on to be not only an actor, but Director and Producer, and is still going strong today.

I’ve had Stanley on my POPPOFF Radio Show several times, and I love hearing all his stories from those days gone by. But I think of all the projects Stanley has done since “My Three sons,” one of his proudest achievements is The Actor’s Journey Project.”

Tens of thousands of talented, trained, and eager actors have their resume, headshots, and a reel of their work ready. And they figure they are good to go to conquer the entertainment industry. But Stanley begs to differ. Statistics show that more than 99% of all new talent will fail in their quest to break into the industry and establish a viable career.

Why? They have a lack of knowledge about the specific “industry related” non-performance skills needed to open the door to the industry. New actors know a lot about acting, but their business skills are lacking. Stanley founded The Actor’s Journey Project to bring a solution to this gap. It is a revolutionary DVD set covering the x-files of breaking into show business. One set is for adults 18 and over, and one is for parents of child and teen actors thru 17. Both programs teach highly specialized skills needed by new talent.

And it comes from distinguished industry pros who have more than 25 years of experience under their working belts from actors to directors and producers etc. Do these names sound familiar…Henry Winkler, Michael York, Melissa Gilbert, Paul Peterson, Dick Van Patten, Margaret O’Brien…some 100 on screen consultants for the project. They are all stars honored with many accolades. They have all traveled the journey for you.

As Stanley put it to me, you now have the choice…spend 5 to 10 years in the industry trenches learning the business skills needed, or choose “The Actor’s Journey Projecta ten hour comprehensive program you can watch and learn from those who have been there, done that, so you don’t have to get hit with the hard knocks.

If you are aiming for that spotlight, then you need all the pro info you can muster. The competition is keen, but if you have the added skills, you’re chances of success can steer you to the head of the pack! Want more information? Go to www.theactorsjourney.com.

I loved it when Stanley said “the name on my tombstone is probably going to be Chip Douglas. That’s neither good nor bad. It’s just a fact of life.” I disagree.

I think it will be “Stanley made “The Actor’s Journey” an amazing leap forward to success.”

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Posted by on Sep 13 2013. Filed under Breaking, Lifestyle, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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