
Truth became an issue at the Lafayette caucus site


Truth became an issue at the Lafayette caucus site by Ken LaRive

Read the Ken LaRive Column at the Examiner

A wide array of dispersed conservatives stood together in front of the family Church in Lafayette, Louisiana, April 28, 2012, to greet voters and show support for their candidate for three and a half hours. With only two candidates left, the mixture was The Tea Party of Lafayette backing Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul supporters.

It became evident to me from the start that the two were at odds with one another, and as time went on, small questions led to larger ones.

Why don’t you folks back Ron Paul?” a young man asked a lady handing out a flyer with the #3 slate on it.

“I don’t like Ron Paul’s take on Israel. He doesn’t want to back her militarily. He actually wants to destroy the military!”

“Please ma’m,” said the young man, “That isn’t true at all. Dr. Paul has a plan for peace, and wants America to get off of her [Israels] back…” but I didn’t hear the rest, as other noteworthy discussions were going on all around me.

Right behind me I heard a young man in a white shirt talking to an older gentlemen impeccably dressed in a light summer suit, both bright-eyed and passionate.

“Ron Paul is the godfather of the tea party, sir, and Mitt Romney is the Godfather of Obama Care. Do you want Obama care?”

“No!” said the older tea-partier loudly, and I moved on.

Through the many smaller skirmishes, the most memorable adversity came three times that morning stimulated from a flier being handed out by several Ron Paul supporters who were circulating them through the crowd. In the middle of the flier was the number 1144 with a red bar negating it, and all around it were Mitt Romney quotes.

At the top it read:


From a distance I could see a man waving the flier in the air and pointing his finger in the faces of several Ron Paul supporters, but could not hear what he was saying. As I approached he seemed to realize the spectacle he was making and withdrew into the parking lot where his car awaited. One Ron Paul supporter said to another, “That man needs to take a chill pill, and do his homework.”

Suddenly an older woman of about 75 came through the doors, and it was evident she was livid. She pushed her way through the crowd and confronted those same young men handing out the fliers.

“Why are you promoting this garbage!” she said loudly. “Everything written here is a pack of lies! You are promoting lies!”

“No ma’m!” One of the young men said. “Everything on this page is true and easily researched. Mitt Romney said these things, and it is all well documented.”

“You are a damned lier!” she yelled, and many people turned toward the disturbance, she stepped off the curb and stormed into the parking lot without looking back.

With a nervous laugh one of the young men said “You have been lied to ma’m, but not by us.” but I don’t think she heard him.

*At the end of this essay is an analysis of these quotes.


I have been trying to have a coffee with Joyce Linde for over a month before this caucus, who is head of the The Tea Party of Lafayette, but in a very cordial way she always said she was just too busy, and we would get together soon. I have known Ms. Linde for years, and have the greatest regard and respect for both her and her work as a local Tea Party activist.

With determination and a love of country she has done more than anyone I know to bring sanity and honesty in local government. Undeniably she has had a great effect on the Democratic party who held dominion over Louisiana politics for so long, a party dissolving as I write this. All who know of her untiring work say the same thing:

“What would we do without the savvy dedication of Joyce Linde?”

In my phone conversation I asked Mrs. Lindy why the Tea Party of Lafayette did not advocate Ron Paul for President.

“We must beat Obama!” she said emphatically.

“Obama is destroying our Republic so fast, there will be nothing left of it if he gets a second term.”

She then went on to tell me that Ron Paul was just too old to tackle the young Obama in a debate, because Obama was a superior debater. She continued telling me that Ron Paul did not have a good presence on camera, and that Obama’s stature in front of the camera would dominate him. I tended to agree with her, but asked her about the issues.

She said, “Obama is so bad, anyone would be better, we must beat Obama.”


My phone calls that morning to several other caucus sites did not report or indicate the same adversity found in Lafayette.

As an observer it seems the old adage is true, divide and conquer. Division weakens us, and it seems that the only commonality is truth. Only truth is the strength we must muster to make this country strong again. Coming together for a common cause must be based on truth, and realizing this came from an overheard whisper from one Ron Paul supporter to a tea partier, after the commotion was over.

Only the truth can save America, sir, but she has to realize it first.”

I felt so proud of everyone who stood in front of that church on such a beautiful spring day, so hopeful, so caring, and so full of dreams for a better America. God bless them all.

Ron Paul won the Louisiana caucus, and the Lion’s share of delegates.


Analysis of alleged Mitt Romney quotes on Ron Paul handouts.

“I believe abortion should be safe and legal in this country.”  True. In a he explained his view by revealing that a close relative of his had died from an illegal abortion.
“I will be better for gay rights than Ted Kennedy.” True. From a 1994 debate with Ted Kennedy. See Utube video on side bar.

“We d have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them.” True, on assault weapons. Section 131M. No person shall sell, offer for sale, transfer or possess an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device that was not otherwise lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994. Whoever not being licensed under the provisions of section 122 violates the provisions of this section shall be punished, for a first offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and for a second offense, by a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $15,000 or by imprisonment for not less than five years nor more than 15 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

“I support universal health care.” True. He passed a health care law in Massachusetts, including a mandate that everyone have health insurance, that was in some respects the model for President Barack Obama’s own health care law.

“I like mandates, the mandates work.” True. .

“I think an amnesty program, which is all illegals who are here are citizens, Walk up and get your citizenship. I think that’s a responsible proposal.” True. This issue flip-flopped: he spoke out for granting citizenship to all illegal immigrants that were then residing in the U.S. in an interview with the Boston Globe in 2005:

“I think an amnesty program is what, which is all the illegal immigrants who are here now citizens, and a walk up and get your citizenship. What the president has proposed, and what Senator McCain and Cornyn have proposed, are quite different than that. They require people signing up for a well, registering and receiving, if you will, a number, a registration number, then working here for six years and paying taxes, not taking benefits.”

“I think there is need of economic stimulus (bailouts) and the government can help make that up in a difficult time.”

True. Flip-flop.



Read Obama’s Reply – Do You Think Americans are Stupid ?

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Posted by on May 2 2012. Filed under Breaking, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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