
Republicans: Guilty as charged

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Republicans: Guilty As Charged by Colonel Larry Sellin Ph.D.

Ignore Constitutional eligibility

Occasionally, a politician, experiencing a moment of temporary brain failure, unintentionally reveals what we all already know – the truth.

In a video made by Tom Ballantyne and reported by Drew Zahn, former Republican Arizona House Speaker Kirk Adams, now running for Congress, seems to believe that challenging Barack Obama on the basis of Constitutional eligibility for the Presidency and investigating possible criminal fraud as reported by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, would be just too scary to contemplate.

So, like many frightened Republicans, Adams wants us, at least for now, to ignore, as he himself describes, potentially the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War and vote for him and fellow Republicans so they may continue business as usual.

That is, in my opinion, a request to endorse permanent political corruption in the federal government on a scale so massive it might make Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler blush or, perhaps, smile.

To me Adam’s attitude captures, in a nut shell, the extent of contempt that the political establishment holds for ordinary American voters.

Even now far too many members of Congress seem to consider their oath of office to “support and defend” the Constitution as optional, selective or subservient to the interests of their political party.

The Republican establishment appears to be deliberately promoting suppression of an investigation or even any discussion about Presidential eligibility and alleged fraud because they fear voter retribution for their own dereliction of duty and complicity in a conspiracy of silence.

Make no mistake; many Republicans, like many Democrats, are engaged in the Big Stall to cover-up the Big Lie solely to protect their hold on power and the preservation of big government.

Regardless of who wins the election in November, it is and has been the intention of both parties to change, for the purpose of political expediency and without an amendment, the Constitutional requirement of “natural born citizenship” as written in Article II, Section I, Clause 5 and defined in the binding Supreme Court precedent of Minor v. Happersett (1874), whereby all candidates for the offices of President and Vice President must be second generation Americans, that is, US citizens of citizen parents at the time of birth.

Both political establishments and their allies in the media continue a disinformation campaign about the true meaning of natural born citizenship to confuse the American public in order to change the Constitution by political fiat because they were unable to do so by a legal amendment.

Furthermore, members of both parties, having failed in their due diligence to properly vet candidates or by premeditated actions to side-step the Constitution and the election laws, are now engaged in an effort to quash any investigation of criminality and sever all avenues by which Americans can petition for the redress of grievances, whether through the courts, law enforcement or Congress.

Quite frankly, we are experiencing, in real-time, tyranny and the absence of representative government not seen since the onset of the American Revolution.

Ours is now, not a country ruled by laws, but one ruled by the whims of politicians who consider themselves exempt from the very statutes they pass to bind the rest of us.

Left with few remaining options, Americans today are presented with a stark choice similar to that faced by George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson; to succumb, in this case to elective despotism or fight back.

Should potential Republican voters complacently fall in behind the Republican establishment simply to win an election and continue what many argue is a corrupt political status quo?

Or do those voters withhold their vote to demand genuine representative government, accountability, adherence to the Constitution, respect for the rule of law and, yes – the truth?

Without those, there is no American republic. That is the real choice in this election.


Colonel Sellin is currently retired from the armed forces


Read Obama’s Reply – Do You Think Americans are Stupid ?

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Posted by Col.Larry Sellin, Ph.D. on May 8 2012. Filed under Breaking, News Summary, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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