Dr. Ron Paul becomes a viable contender
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Dr. Ron Paul becomes a viable contender by Ken LaRive
America is watching in awe as Ron Paul picks up his tenth state. Face Book has come alive and buzzing with excitement as Ron Paul supporters now see hope in a sea of doubt.
In the midst of clammier a lone voice of reason reached my screen from Georgia, and she shared her educated take on this ever-shifting and dynamic situation.
The following is her thoughts on what she sees developing, and what we might expect in the future, as Ron Paul supporters… The following is her letter.
Here’s how I see it, Ken – and I’ve spent a lot of time laying it out the last week or two…
Whatever happens in Tampa, this much is certain:
1. Paul has already qualified to have his name on the ballot for nominee (the ’5 state’ requirement — so far, we’re at 10 states)
2. Our delegates will have a strong presence.
3. MANY liberty candidates are rising to meet the call of the r3volution. Check out www.libertycandidates.com for state-by-state listing of fully-vetted candidates for local, state, and national races — they need our support — they are the RESULT OF the r3volution.
4. Paul supporters have replaced old guard RNC in many positions
Change the makeup of local government… change the makeup of national government (Congress) — win-win!
Truly, as Paul has often said, paraphrasing Victor Hugo:
‘NOTHING can stop an idea whose time has COME’
Keep the faith – liberty is winning, and she is winning BIG!
Read Obama’s Reply – Do You Think Americans are Stupid ?
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