
A Moms Day special from Mary Jane Popp

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A Mothers Day Special by Mary Jane Popp

Mary Jane Popp

How can you show MOM you really care on her special day?

You can do the usual…flowers, candy, dinner.

Wait a minute! What did Mom do for you when you were growing up?

Remember the time she held your hand when you missed that home run pitch?

And the time she kissed that boo-boo after you toppled off your bike?

Or the time she stayed up all night to help mend that broken heart?

It’s not how much you spend for Mom on any day.

It’s more like doing something from hand and heart that will leave an impression she’ll long remember. Easier said than done? Not really. I checked out a couple of sources and jotted down a few ideas that will make you her kid hero all year ‘round!

From Susan Stone’s Book “”…cherished ideas for every holiday and season including Mother’s Day like:

1) Freeze edible flowers in ice cube trays. Fill each cube halfway with water, place flowers and freeze. Then fill each to the top and freeze. It’ll warm her heart.

2) Plant your favorite bedding plant in a small basket. Tie on a gift tag with a checkered ribbon.

3) Bake bread in flower-shaped tubes.

4) Surprise Mom with a quiet retreat in her own bathroom. Make sure it’s clean first. Bring in scented candle, flowers, new magazine or book, a cold drink, and a portable stereo with soothing music. The most important part would be a sign on the door reading “JUST FOR MOM…PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB! Then I turned to Casey Kellar for some wonderful tips to complete the picture from one of her books “” with more than 75 easy-to-make formulas for self-pampering and gift-giving like:

1) Luxurious Scented Bath Oil. You Will Need:

    ½ Cup apricot kernel oil

    1 teaspoon jojoba oil

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    one 400 unit Vitamin E capsule (pierce it with a needle      

    and squeeze oil into mix)

    3-6 drops essential (your choice)

Mix all together. Use 1 tablespoon per bath. Store in bottle in cool place. Shelf life: 4-8 months

2) Super Moisturizing Massage Oil. You will need:

½ cup sweet almond oil

    ¼ cup coconut oil

    4 tablespoons jojoba oil

    1-½ tablespoons avocado oil

    3-5 drops essential oil of your choice (either one or a combination)

Mix all together. Store in cool dry place. Shelf Life: 3-6 months

3) All-in-one Linen and Sweater Protector And Cedar Chest Revitalizer, you will need:

    1 cup white rice

    6 drops cedar wood essential oil

    1 drop orange essential oil

Add essential oil to the rice and blend with spoon about 30 seconds. Shelf Life: Approximately. 6-8 months (then can be re-fragranced again.

Remember, the best gift you can give your Mother is love. Spend time with Mom. Let her know you care. There will come a day when she is gone, and you don’t want to be saying…if only!  I know.

My mom is gone now, but her memories will always be in my heart.

I know they will be in yours too. Happy mother’s Day in the sweetest way…giving of yourself!



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Posted by on May 9 2012. Filed under Breaking, Lifestyle, News Summary, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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