Women: Saving your heart by Mary Jane Popp
Saving Your Heart by Mary Jane Popp
Available on Amazon
We are into the heart mood as we near Valentine’s Day with every heart cliché’ you can think of. And we all love the flowers and the candy and the cards too. Maybe we should be thinking long and hard about the real heart that keeps us going every day instead of the candy ones.
The number one killer in the U.S. is heart disease. But when you think of heart problems, you picture an overweight middle-aged man, right?
What if I told you the number one killer of women in North America is heart disease? Got your attention, huh? It accounts for a third of all deaths in women and far surpasses the prevalence of breast cancer.
It’s true, and that’s why Cardiologist Dr. Martha Gulati and Pharmacist Sherry Torkos took on the task of getting women, who often neglect their heart health, to take notice in their book “.” While the stats can be frightening, the good news is that most risk factors for heart disease can be changed.
You can bet my ears perked up when Sherry took me on the Myths and Misconceptions of women and heart disease on my POPPOFF Radio Show.
1) Heart disease is only an issue for elderly women: While heart disease is the chief killer of women over 65, it is the second leading cause of death in women ages 45-64 and the third leading cause of death in women 25-44.
2) Women should be treated less aggressively after a heart attack than men: Absolutely not. The unfortunate reality is that women are treated less aggressively after a heart attack and are also morel likely to die after suffering a heart attack.
3) Risk factors for heart disease are the same in women as in men: Not so. Certain conditions are more likely to cause heart disease in women than in men, such as metabolic syndrome and menopause. Stress is also more likely to damage women’s hearts.
4) Sex increases the risk of heart attack: It is commonly thought that sex is a major trigger for heart attacks, yet only 1% of heart attacks are brought on by sexual activity.
5) Coffee is bad for your heart: While too much caffeine can raise blood pressure, coffee actually contains significant amounts of antioxidants. A recent review of 21 studies found that women who drank one to four cups daily actually had a lower risk of heart disease.
6) Nuts can raise cholesterol levels: Nuts are a good source of soluble fiber and other nutrients and research has found that consuming a handful of nuts daily can lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
7) Hormone replacement therapy protects against heart disease: In fact, menopausal women who participate in estrogen replacement therapy actually may be at increased risk for heart disease.
So I asked Sherry how I can save my heart, and she shared these nine ways:
1) Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Women who sleep 6 hours or less have been shown to be at greater risk.
2) Take 10,000 steps a day. Use a pedometer and gradually increase the number each day. Exercise fights heart disease in numerous ways.
3) Have oatmeal with chia seed for breakfast. The soluble fiber in oats and chia can help lower cholesterol.
4) Eat more fish, garlic, and green tea. These foods help cut heart disease risk.
5) Choose whole grain bread/pasta and brown rice over white rice. Studies show that highly refined carbs are worse for your heart than foods high in saturated fat, like red meat and butter.
6) Avoid foods that contain trans-fatty acids. They can raise cholesterol levels and increase risk of heart disease.
7) Don’t sweat the small stuff. Stress is a major risk factor for heart disease.
8) Laugh more. Laughing relaxes and expands blood vessels, which protects the heart.
9) Get screened for heart disease…beginning at age 20!
Wow! That stuff about stress really got to me. Maybe that’s where the breaking your heart saying comes from. I wanted to finish on a positive note with Valentine’s Day coming soon. So Sherry gave me five Heart-Smart Indulgences.
Don’t want you to be bored on that special day so here goes…Avocado, Dark Chocolate, Red Wine, Nuts, and Berries.
You got me on the Red Wine and Dark Chocolate. I am now a happy camper! And don’t forget have a good belly laugh or two!
Happy Valentines Day.
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