
Marathon Manhunt movie: Forecast from Ollie North

уволился после увольнения числюсь генеральным директором еженедельный непрерывный отдых продолжительностью не менее 42 часов какие резолюции можно ставить на документах сколько положено работать ребенку в рб высшая юридическая сила конституции административное наказание в состоянии алкогольного опьянения 01 промилле можно ли разделить ставку на 2 человека временная регистрация в москве на сколько условия для получения выплаты молодому специалисту использование огнестрельного оружия в качестве самообороны установление родства заявление квалификационный справочник должностей руководителей специалистов и служащих документы на получение квартиры для сироты где будет строиться метро иск на гражданина иного

Oliver North is a nationally syndicated columnist, the host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel and author of the New York Times bestseller, Heroes Proved from Threshold Books. He's also the co-founder of Freedom Alliance, an organization that provides college scholarships to the children of U.S. military personnel killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty.

Common Sense by Oliver North:  Marathon Manhunt – The Movie

Meet Colonel Oliver North

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It’s sure to be a major motion picture worthy of the talents of Michael Moore and Oliver Stone. The docudrama screenplay, “based on a true story,” will begin with FBI public domain footage of two young men carrying backpacks along a crowded street – then two bombs detonating near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 170. The scene closes with rescuers rushing to help grievously injured victims.

The open is followed by spin in a flashback: Two young brothers flee the separatist insurgency in post-Soviet Chechnya. Scenes include empathetic portrayals of Muslims brutalized by Russian Orthodox Christians. The brothers emigrate to the U.S., but are appalled and radicalized by après 9-11 American chauvinism and intolerance. Left with no recourse but violence, they begin assembling an arsenal of weapons and perfecting the manufacture of improvised explosive devices. The word “jihad” is never uttered.

Cut to interviews with family members, neighbors, teachers and friends who say they cannot believe that these nice boys are capable of murder, mayhem and wanton destruction. Scenes of the brothers watching coverage of Bush’s vicious wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are interspersed with views of American bigotry and observations on how foolishly easy it is to acquire firearms, ammunition, large-capacity magazines and bomb-making materials in the U.S.

The last half of the movie builds tension by showing how the brothers were deemed to be suspects in the aftermath of the marathon bombings and the ensuing manhunt. In this part of the film, ubiquitous social media, countless smartphones, the Internet and tens of thousands of citizen cameras all star.

For accuracy, the film will show politicians rushing to microphones and pontificating about the event, the ensuing investigation and making promises about bringing the perpetrators to justice. Benghazi will not be mentioned. Bloggers, a tsunami of publicly disseminated information and non-traditional reporters, rather than solid work by local, state and federal law enforcement officers, will be depicted as keys to solving the case.

Erroneous reports about additional bombs being found in Boston, incorrect information about a Saudi national person of interest being interviewed and deported, the breathless account of a suspect being arrested the day after the attack and theories about links to packages laced with poisonous ricin intercepted in Washington will all be blamed on “big media.”

For visual impact, the film will include footage of a deadly fire and explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas that killed at least 15 and injured more than 100 – and contemporaneous suspicion that the conflagration may be connected to the Boston Marathon bombings.

The thrilling denouement begins with the FBI’s “new-normal” wanted poster: videos and still photos of suspect No. 1 and suspect No. 2 released at a press conference in Boston; the appeal for anyone with information about the suspects to contact the FBI and a warning: The suspects should be presumed to be armed and extremely dangerous.  A suspense-filled, bloody climax will show how these two misunderstood and misguided brothers were hunted down by black-clad SWAT teams armed with “military style assault weapons” intent on killing rather than capturing the lads.

Such a depiction of what transpired in Boston may well satisfy the anti-American proclivities of leftist elites, but it will obscure some important lessons from the events in Boston:

Evil is real. Jihadists – homegrown and otherwise are here, and they are intent on killing and maiming as many of us as possible. That’s not our fault.

Second, though fewer than 25 Americans have been killed in the United States by terrorists since 9/11  – including those who died in the November 2009 outburst of “workplace violence” at Fort Hood, TX, we cannot ban all cooking pots, cellphones and batteries used to detonate improvised explosive devices, or firearms.

Some terrorists will succeed because we must be right all the time and terrorists need be right only once.

Third, the FBI’s official plea for public help in identifying and finding the marathon bombing suspects on Thursday evening was brilliant. It produced the desired results – and pushed self-serving government leakers and the bogus information purveyed by so-called “informed” anonymous sources and unnamed “officials close to the investigation” out of the picture.

That’s a lesson for all of us in the media.

Finally, a prediction: The Obama administration will use the terror in Boston to renew efforts at stripping rights to “keep and bear arms” from law abiding citizens. Because of the protracted search for the 19-year old, white hat, suspect No. 2, the O-Team will ask Congress to appropriate funds to buy “drones” for use in domestic law enforcement.

Meanwhile, they will persist in doing really stupid things like allowing airline passengers to carry knives with blades “less than 2.36 inches” aboard commercial flights.

None of those are good ideas – but they are sure to be a hit with Messrs Moore and Stone.

Oliver North Signature is a nationally syndicated columnist, the host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel, the author of the new novel Heroes Proved and the co-founder of Freedom Alliance, an organization that provides college scholarships to the children of U.S. military personnel killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Join Oliver North in Israel by going to www.olivernorthisrael.com.

Oliver North is a nationally syndicated columnist, the host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel and author of the New York Times bestseller, Heroes Proved from Threshold Books.

He’s also the co-founder of Freedom Alliance, an organization that provides college scholarships to the children of U.S. military personnel killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty.

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Posted by Col. Oliver North on Apr 20 2013. Filed under Breaking, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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