
Patriots are dog tired – scared – angry (part four)

Ken Larive Banner Lafayette Political Buzz Examiner Retired from the Oil Patch, Ken LaRive divides his time with grandchildren, writing, photography, and Country French Antiques, all passions of the heart. He now resides with his wife Maddy

Seems getting what you deserve is a universal law . . . says Ken LaRive

Read the Ken LaRive Column at the Examiner

Read the Ken LaRive Column at the Examiner

This is part four of four, but I promise you will not be disappointed. Truth is like that… It may, I hope, even stimulate the choir, and Lord knows, the choir is our only hope.

We are going to take a look at Obama’s heavy-handed changes, as he promised, the overhaul by presidential mandates designed for the total destruction of our Constitution, civil liberty, and free enterprise system, and it doesn’t take a Monarch, or an Emperor to accomplish that. All it takes is a week-natured and ignorant populous.

Here in America, in the year 2013, an elitist ruling class of bankers and international companies can lobby the Beltway into total submission, and trample on our rights and civil liberties for personal gain, and they charge us for that service with a 16.6 trillion dollar debt.

Finally, a well hidden Progressive process that took generations to fulfill has manifested itself in the White House, and sits on both sides of the isle like multicolored chameleons. Indeed, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are traitors. America’s Constitution is being drawn and quartered, and America is considered the spoils of war, a war that is being waged against us from the inside out, and few care.

“Why me, why does this have to happen to me?” some Americans are saying. Well, as every question gives a counter answer of like kind and like mind, it is a universal law.

Tony Robbins answered it well, ”Because that is all you deserve, sir. You are a turkey.” And that is true enough my friend. Tyranny comes to those who are indifferent, week natured, uneducated, indolent, selfishly motivated, and so, easily distracted and controlled. And doesn’t that describe most all Americans today? It is almost laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic. So indignant at the mere suggestion, the only thing really growing in this nation, other than crime, is ego. A case against America’s changing nature…

Now that we have given up our American birthright, even the Boy Scouts have fallen to the Progressive onslaught this week… Seems that there are many, far too many, who wouldn’t care if our American symbol of a bald eagle be replaced with the North American Turkey, as some fools proposed even when Washington took office. I’m sure the Boy Scouts would take exception, but most wouldn’t even notice.

I thought perhaps a vulture might be a good symbol for the new America, but they fly too high, they see too far… And as our country is stripped of our rights, traditions and heritage, while we slept, we are no longer considered liberators, but terrorists, hated by the world, but then that label also describes the Patriot, so I’m told, and the Veteran too. Perhaps we should pluck our new turkey symbol too, before putting him on our useless paper money, and serve him up well-done for the New World Order. Sorry to say, but we can’t afford the stuffing, as everything is gone out of Fort Knox.

Nope, no more silver certificate, no more gold standard, we are now incorporated, and usury is our new god. Our standard-certificate is your ability to pay taxes, even the hidden inflation tax is your fault, and why? Because most all Americans don’t know what the hell I’m talking about! You care nothing about your debt, though you slave on every day. It is a debt you can never repay, nor could even your great grand kids.

Debt slavery is your world; your true American heritage. It was stolen from you, from all of us, and really, so what? Those who could save America are arguing over another quarter in the minimum wage, or that your welfare check doesn’t buy the same amount of Coco Krispies.
——————————————————————————————————————So, Because the media is blind, deaf, and muted, I have only my memory to serve me. Lets reiterate, for old time’s sake, the last precious moments of our Republic’s death throes, as memory serves
What Obama has done to the Constitution . . .

Without consent or advice of the U.S. Senate, as is stipulated by the Constitution, President Obama appointed many cabinet level positions. They were given far-reaching authority and independent funding, and they were called Czars. Also, without Senate approval, Obama made illegal recess appointments for other members of his cabinet. He did this by personal declaration, as a proper monarch would, declaring the U.S. Senate was in recess, when in fact no such declaration was ever made by them.

Yes, a bile taste for a Liberty-minded Constitutionalists, an Oath Keeper, but what he did next was not only unconscionable, but I must admit, was pure calculated genius, the kind that would make Sigmund proud. Progressives pushed to pass healthcare legislation in Congress, knowing full well it was unconstitutional. Despite a federal judge declaring the entire law as such, unconstitutional, and ordering that it not be implemented, Obama and his administration continues to use strong-armed tactics to this very day, the power of the executive branch, to carry on its execution.

In the process, he recently violated the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, the right to freedom of religion, as he ordered Christian schools and Churches to provide both contraception and abortion-inducing pills to employees, as the bill requires. No immediate regard for the religious teachings of these Christian institutions were recognized until the threat of litigation and a resounding “No way!” reverberated from them.

Now he is looking into the prospect of directing, by executive order, insurance companies to flip this bill. Government dictates to private enterprise… Another sweeping change, as promised, as it will inadvertently be passed on to the taxpayer… Just this alone is an impeachable offense, and yet so amazingly genius!

Amazing, because one statistic showed that 53 percent of Christian women voted for Obama his first term. Wonder what they are thinking now, being responsible for 3000 abortions per day, and it is good to invest in stem cell research now that there are plenty of fetuses around, with permission from Obama to continue using them in their studies, of course.

Seems they were about as Christian as Obama, and they do deserve each other. I think there is a special place in hell for the recreational birth control type of abortionists, the kind we collectively need to finance with our tax dollars, it seems. And what is a Christian to do but put their lives in God’s hands, and give Him all responsibility for their actions, and why, because they are now sorry? Not much, as Obama now has a second term.

I have always considered it a treason against the great republic of human nature, to make any man’s virtues the means of deceiving him.” - Samuel Johnson

Though the US Senate refused to pass Cap and Trade, Obama has bypassed the process by ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to implement key portions of the bill by regulation, under his personal direction. In defiance of the will of the people, Congress, and our Constitution, the EPA is bending to his will, and coal-burning power plants are now considered to be in noncompliance.

Economists are in agreement, and Obama has admitted it is true, that these Presidential mandates will force energy prices to skyrocket, as factories continue to close. If it wasn’t for the growing government jobs, the statistics would be far worse…

The unprecedented moratorium on offshore drilling or exploration on both Pacific and Atlantic coasts, and some parts of the Gulf of Mexico, is a severe punch in the stomach for the Oil Patch, and our will to be energy independent. Yes, the insider wizard Soros played his cards just right, amazingly selling and buying at the perfect time.

Obama has prohibited new drilling on federal lands in any US state, and the Department of the Interior (DOI) is in direct defiance of several court orders. One that really hit home in my Louisiana was the ignored court order of Federal Judge Martin Feldman of New Orleans who declared that the DOI had absolutely no authority to issue a moratorium, even declaring the DOI in contempt. And though the administration is emphatic that it is complying, drilling permits are tied up in new nightmares of red tape, and the effect is the same.

But there were winners too, if you follow the paper trail. In the very wake of the BP Oil spill, Obama and his friend George Soros tried to help Brazil build a deep-water infrastructure off their coast. As he inhibited drilling here, he authorized loans to both Brazil and Mexico oilfields, so that they could sell more oil to us.

Obama bowed to Saudi for a reason, and Venezuela and Libya will see to it that we are dependent on foreign oil… He refused to approve the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the United States, and that decision belonged to Congress, not Obama. Obama took jobs, and used a tragedy to make money for his friends.

By abdication, Obama refused to enforce the laws of immigration. By proclamation, he declared our southern border open, and cleverly did this by making certain areas of Federal land in states with the highest potential of illegal immigration off-limit to federal, state and local authority, and this was not considered proprietary knowledge. The path was announced, and even diagrammed.

Drugs now move unchecked, with illegal’s having an open door and free reign there, as does the potential for it to be used as a corridor for the infiltration of foreign terrorists. He ordered our border patrol to not arrest most all illegal immigrants, and has stopped most all deportation. In effect, his so-called “Dream Act” bypasses Congressional approval, which has been given sole authority over all immigration.

But our minds still remember when The President and his attorney Eric Holder betrayed their oath of office by joining forces with foreign countries like Mexico, Columbia, and Bolivia in lawsuits against Alabama, Arizona and Georgia to stop the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Just this alone is an impeachable offense, and yet he still sits at his desk in the Oval Office, safe and seemingly secure in the knowledge that he is above the law.

The Federal Communications Commission, under Obama’s orders, wanted them to give him complete control of the internet, with a “kill switch” for the absolute authority to shut down the internet, and solely at his discretion. The US Supreme Court was decisive, and their decision final:

“The FCC has no Constitutional authority to direct or manage the internet.”

The two proposals, Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA), and the Project Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) were finally withdrawn because of American opposition. But Obama has now announced that he is about to sign an international treaty that will bypass Congressional approval, and give him the same authority. This threat is to Article 2, Section 2 of our Constitution… and this is in the same vein as he and his Progressive Clinton proposes in regard to the United Nations Small arms treaty, and the UN Law of the Sea treaty that are very unlikely to achieve Senate approval.

When Obama declared that the Defense of Marriage Act, passed by Congress, was unconstitutional, he said that this Constitutional mandate would be ignored. He declared himself above the law, in contempt of the law, and more powerful than Congress or the Supreme court. He then declared that the Justice Department will not defend it (the Marriage Act) against lawsuits.

And so, as Obama is obligated to enforce and defend laws adopted by Congress, unless declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme court, this is an act of treason. Just this alone is an impeachable offense, and yet there he sits. He must be right. Furthermore, Obama’s administration also refused to enforce laws against voter intimidation. Federal law requires all states to purge all voter registration lists of deceased voters, and those fraudulently registered as well.

The Justice Department is refusing to let states enforce laws already on the books that require proof of identity at the polls. This renders Congress, the Federal Judiciary, the will of the people, and our Constitution, irrelevant. Just this alone is an impeachable offense, as it is an act of high treason.

Treason, not because our voting process has been compromised, but that he knowingly let it happen to insure his stay in office. Oh, that’s a stretch?

Better sit down…

Acting through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, a sting operation was implemented in secret. They coerced law-abiding gun-store owners along our southern border to supply weapons to what they called “straw buyers,” who were expected to deliver them to Mexico’s drug lords.

After an investigation, however, it was determined that fraudulent data was created with the intent at showing that the United States were shipping weapons to Mexico drug dealers. To this day this bogus data is being used to justify new gun control regulations that will limit American citizens the right to bear arms.

By arming our enemies, this is an act of high treason, and yet, they are refusing to cooperate with investigative committees in the House of Representative, even defying Congressional subpoenas. Just this alone is an impeachable offense, and yet there he sits. His handlers must be powerful indeed.

Though preemptive war, is not a war, per se, but considered a police action, unless there is a declaration of war, approved by Congress, every confrontation since WW2 is not considered preemptive.

How clever! And now, Obama has taken this opportunity to new heights. Congress gave the President, under the War Powers Act, immediate authority for action, and without Congressional approval if our national security is threatened, or even one of its citizens. Well, who would determine this threat? Obama.

Does Benghazi ring a bell? How about Libya’s civil war? Obama based his decision on both a UN and an Arab League resolution, both outside of American jurisdiction. This is traitorous, and this alone is an impeachable offense. But wait… Testimony of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, March 7, 2012, told Senators that the President no longer needs Congressional approval to take our country to war as required by Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution. So long as it is approved by the United Nations or NATO, a resolution he cited that gives this Arab League resolution power over our American sovereignty, and Congress, that power he would now have.

But wait, recently passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), gives the President the sole and primary authority to use the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens on U.S. soil, by his discretion, and without due process. What is amazing is that this bill was overwhelmingly passed by Congress, and it was admitted that few had read it. That the White House include this language at the last minute is a conspiracy, and is traitorous, and just this alone is an impeachable offense. But wait…

Another unconstitutional executive order soon followed this, called the National Defense Resource Preparation order. Previous Presidents have signed similar orders, but this one included language that gave Obama the sole ability to declare martial law in peacetime. It gave him, granted him, the ability to nationalize manufacturing, banks, insurance companies, food production, and all free enterprise.

From fuel to transportation, now even our Obama-healthcare is under his dominion, and our Constitution gives him no authority to do this.

Zero, as it is designed, as history will attest, to transition us from a free enterprise to a socialist economy by executive authority, with our Constitution unilaterally abolished.

This is an impeachable offense, and is high treason.


“This principle is old, but true as fate. Kings may love treason, but the traitor hate. - Thomas Dekker

**** Author’s note:

When I was a little boy I played ball with my dad in our small New Orleans back yard. I mentioned that the little black kids who lived across the street were calling me names.

“What did they call you?” he asked with a smile.

“They called me an Asshole.” I said, rather upset.

I then missed the ball, and ran for it as it bounced off our chain-linked fence.

“Hay, Asshole” said my father in a stern voice.

I turned around and looked at him.

“Are you an Asshole?” he said.

“No!” I said emphatically.

“Then why did you turn around?”  he laughed.

The following is from a report written and released by the Judiciary Committee in 1974 in the aftermath of the Watergate crisis.

“The duty of a President to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” to the best of his ability includes the duty not to abuse his powers or transgress their limits– not to violate the rights of citizens, such as those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and not to act in derogation of powers elsewhere by the Constitution.

Not all presidential misconduct is sufficient to constitute grounds for impeachment. There is a further requirement– substantiality. In deciding whether this further requirement has been met, the facts must be considered as a whole in the context of the office, not in terms of separate or isolated events.

Because impeachment of a President is a grave step for the nation, it is predicated only upon conduct seriously incompatible with either the constitutional form and principles of our government or the proper performance of constitutional duties of the presidential office.”

Suggested by the author:
  • Part one: Patriots are bone tired, scared and angry
  • Part two: Patriots are bone tired, scared and angry
  • Part three: Patriots are bone tired, scared and angry

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Posted by on Jun 10 2013. Filed under Breaking, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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