
The Nose Knows by Mary Jane Popp

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Mary Jane Popp Banner Mary Jane “POPPY” Popp has the innate ability to communicate with the masses, yet maintain a one-on-one relationship with her guests and audience. She has interviewed the most exciting personalities from politicos like the Reagans to Hollywood notables like Suzanne Somers to spirituals like Deepak Chopra. Contact her at  and tune in to her daily radio program from 10:00pm until midnight (pacific) at www.kahi.com

The Nose Knows by Mary Jane Popp

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Can a mere sniff make a diff…a difference that is? What would you say if I told you that without your sniffer, there would be virtually no taste? Sounds freaky doesn’t it, but it’s absolutely true!

And now, you can take it a step forward with what you crave, and how it predicts who you are.

Dr. Alan Hirsch, neurologist/psychiatrist and neurological Founder of the  Smell and Taste Research and Treatment Foundation in Chicago, shares information that can really tell us about us in “What flavor is Your Personality”  and “What is your food Sign.

I don’t know about you, but I am a real ice cream buff, so I thought it would be fun for Dr. Hirsch to give us some stats on the flavors. These are the flavors with which they have done research. So pick out your favorite flavor, and discover your personality traits !!!

  • VANILLA: Impulsive, easily suggestible, idealist
  • CHOCOLATE: Self-absorbed, dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive, gullible
  • VERY BERRY STRAWBERRY: Dependent, nonthreatening, follower more than leader
  • MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP: Cynical, argumentative, frugal, cautious
  • CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH: Ambitious, competitive, visionary
  • PRALINES ‘N CREAM: Loving, supportive, avoids the spotlight
  • JAMOCA (i.e. coffee): Scrupulous, conscientious, moral perfectionists
  • CHOCOLATE CHIP: Generous, competent, a go getter
  • RAINBOW SHERBET: Analytic, decisive, skeptical
  • ROCKY ROAD: Engaging, good listener, aggressive

I’ve got to tell you when he asked me what flavor I liked best, it was difficult since I love every ice cream flavor conceived. I did succumb to the Rocky road or the straight chocolate, but I think the Rocky road fits me best. But then I love vanilla as long as I can slather on the chocolate syrup and whip cream!!! So, on to the world of snacks. We all love ‘em. Here are the ones he asked me to ponder.

  • POTATO CHIPS:Those who love potato chips are ambitious, successful, high achievers.
  • TORTILLA CHIPS: A perfectionist, always with the highest expectations of themselves.
  • PRETZELS: Lively and energetic. Those who prefer pretzels crave novelty and easily become bored by the usual routine.
  • SNACK CRACKERS: Contemplative, thoughtful, logic rather than intuitively oriented. Decisions are reasoned and not based on emotions.
  • CHEESE CURLS: Formal, always proper, conscientious, principled. The cheese curls lover maintains high moral ground with their family, work, and romantic partners.
  • MEAT SNACKS: Gregarious, social. The meat snack lover is at their best amidst the company of others.

Alright, you got me! Let me at those potato chips! I am not pushing one brand over another, but I do love Lay’s Potato Chips, and it’s true, I can’t have just one. It’s more like a whole bag goes down at a sitting! Yes, the big one! Hey, I have to have some bad habits too.

Anyway, Dr. Alan Hirsch has a lot more to say about our taste preferences in his two books “What Flavor is Your Personality” and “What is Your food Sign.” If you would like to know more about why we prefer what we do, check out www.smellandtaste.org or www.scienceofsmell.com.

Maybe next time when I have Dr. Hirsch on my POPPOFF Radio Show, I will ask him why hot cinnamon rolls trigger a sexual response. Got your attention now, don’t I? Til next time, happy snacking!

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Posted by on Sep 8 2013. Filed under Breaking, Lifestyle, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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