
Nighty Night by Mary Jane Popp

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Mary Jane Popp Banner Mary Jane “POPPY” Popp has the innate ability to communicate with the masses, yet maintain a one-on-one relationship with her guests and audience. She has interviewed the most exciting personalities from politicos like the Reagans to Hollywood notables like Suzanne Somers to spirituals like Deepak Chopra. Contact her at  and tune in to her daily radio program from 10:00pm until midnight (pacific) at www.kahi.com

Nighty Night by Mary Jane Popp

Visit the Shawn Talbott Website

Visit the Shawn Talbott Website

Does your nighty night turn into a nasty morning? Can stress and sleep loss, be intertwined? And if they are, how can you overcome that stress to get a solid night’s sleep? Stress can come from every direction from holiday horrors to kidlet crises to work worries.

How many times, after your head hits the pillow, you can’t turn off that brain to slow down. Been there, done that myself! According to Dr. Shawn Talbott, nutritional biochemist, stress and sleep loss is an exhaustive and dangerous combination. The long-term effects of not getting enough sleep go well beyond simply being tired the next day.

Some research suggests a strong link between sleeplessness and weight gain. That should get your attention if being pooped out by the afternoon doesn’t! Dr. Talbott told me that people who are sleep deprived tend to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to more belly fat. Say it isn’t so.

Wishful thinking! Not enough yet? Okay, the sleep deprived may also have a more powerful junk food craving and experience more bad moods.

Ah ha, I think I have your attention now. Dr. Talbott got my attention too on my radio show POPPOFF recently. He is one of America’s leading lifestyle experts and author of “The Secret of Vigor” How to overcome burnout, restore metabolic balance, and reclaim your natural energy. But we are not alone.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 62% of American adults experience a sleep problem a few nights a week, and just 31% of high school students reported getting an average of at least eight hours of sleep.

One last fact. Dr. Talbott explained that you can be in bed for 10 hours and still not get enough rest. The problem may be that you are unable to recuperate from the stress that builds up during the day.

But never fear, I wouldn’t bring up the problem without some solutions. If you wake up most mornings still feeling exhausted, you might want to try some of Dr. Talbott’s – Counteract Mental Fatigue and Physical Stress That May Be Keeping You Awake.

Turn off the TV and open a book when it’s close to bedtime. Teas made from chamomile, lemon balm, or fennel are particularly soothing.

Incorporate Calming Ingredients Into Your Diet.

These are some that are familiar and others you may not have heard of before.

Dairy: Warm milk’s calming quality is not just an old wives tale. Calcium and Magnesium are relaxing. Plus milk has peptides (small protein chains) which, when digested, have direct relaxation effects in the brain.

Magnolia Bark: If you are feeling depleted and exhausted, this is an ingredient superstar. It helps to lower cortisol levels, which in turn helps to get rid of belly fat. It also helps restore vigor.

Pine Bark: This has some brain restorative powers, which is helpful when you are mentally fatigued.

Oranges: On the psychological side of stress, the scent of oranges and other citrus fruits has been shown to directly stimulate areas of the brain associated with stress resilience. So take a good whiff of that orange to shield yourself from stress before you eat it.

Whole Grain Carbohydrates: When you choose whole grains instead of refined grains, you are not getting the blood sugar fluctuations so your brain and body function better. Plus, the lignan compounds in whole grains are associated with lower cortisol.

Aala: Also known as the Indian gooseberry, amla is rich in rejuvenating antioxidants which help balance the whole body.

Tongkat Ali: This is traditionally used in Malaysia to restore energy and vitality. It increases your chances of waking up with more vigor.

Raw Almonds: These are an excellent source of several anti-stress nutrients including muscle-sparing protein, heart healthy monounsaturated fats, stress-fighting B-vitamins, and relaxing magnesium. They can also help you crunch away some of your stress because several studies show that chewing action can be associated with lower stress and better moods.

Include Sleep in Your Wellness Program: Plan your sleep just as you plan your healthy diet and fitness regimen. You can be eating the perfect diet and following an ideal exercise schedule, but if you are skipping sleep you may be sabotaging your efforts.

Talbott concludes that reducing your stress so you can get a better night’s sleep will increase your vigor the next day. So, bottom line, get your exercise done early, get your work done in time to relax at night, and if you don’t have time to get eight hours of sleep, take steps to get a better six hours.

Make it as restful and restorative as possible.

If you want more info just check out www.shawntalbott.com and sweet dreams.

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Posted by on Sep 27 2013. Filed under Breaking, Lifestyle, News Summary. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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