Hands off our Guns on the Don Smith Show
The Don Smith Show on Saturday at Noon (ET) Eastern Time
Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, yet again showing a disconnect between the Obama administration, and the American people.
This week we will be joined by the CEO of Patriot Ordinance Factory, Frank DeSomma to find out what impact this could have on our second amendment rights. POF-USA is a weapons manufacturing business based in Arizona, and is also a sponsor of the upcoming “Hands off our Guns” concert set for Saturday November 16, at Comerica Theatre in Downtown Phoenix.
Mr. DeSomma has also been generous enough to donate one of POF-USA’s beautiful rifles to be part of the “great give-away” that will take place at this historic event. There will also be many other prizes available, with drawings taking place between acts. We are announcing today that tickets will go on-sale this Monday at 1:00pm ET for the second amendment concert featuring Lee Greenwood, Madison Rising, Andy Ross, Victoria Jackson, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, RADAR, and much more. Please visit www.handsoffourguns.com for more information.
Dr. Samuel Gregg is director of research at the Acton Institute. He has written and spoken extensively on questions of political economy, economic history, ethics in finance, and natural law theory. This week he will join the program live for an interview with Mike McCarthy.
Dr. Gregg will discuss his latest book “Tea Party Catholic,” which details how over the past fifty years, increasing numbers of American Catholics have abandoned the economic positions associated with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and chosen to embrace the principles of economic freedom and limited government: ideals upheld by Ronald Reagan and the Tea Party movement. Tune in Saturday at Noon ET, or listen to the archive at your convenience.
Tune in Saturday at Noon ET, or listen to the archive at your convenience at www.blogtalkradio.com/the-don-smith-show/2013/09/28/the-don-smith-show
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