
3 years old wears “I am a Bomb” T-shirt: Mother fined

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Mother fined for having her baby wear a “I am a Bomb” shirt from Barry Sommer

Read the Sommer Files at Islam Today

Read the Sommer Files at Islam Today Oregon

A French mother who named her son Jihad has reportedly been convicted by an appeals court in the city of Nimes, France, of “glorifying a crime” for sending the 3-year-old to school wearing a shirt emblazoned with the French words for “I am a bomb” and “Jihad born on September 11th.”

The woman, Bouchra Bagour, was given on Friday a one-month suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay a €2,000 ($2,705) fine for having the boy wear the shirt, according to the Local, an English-language French news outlet.

The boy’s uncle, Zeyad Bagour, who bought the shirt for Jihad, was convicted of the same crime: He was given a two-month suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay a fine of €4,000 ($5,409.)

Bouchra Bagour put the shirt on her toddler, then took him to school wearing it, but when Jihad’s teacher saw it, she went to the authorities prompting prosecutors to launch an investigation several days later.

The pair’s attorney, Gaële Guenoum, called the court’s decision to overrule a lower court’s not-guilty ruling “severe, surprising and amazing.”

The siblings could have been sentenced to as long as a year in prison and a €45,000 ($60,845) fine for the crime.

The case started a controversy in France as a select group of citizens and politicians including Josette Pessemesse of the Front de Gauche party called for the court to protect the “right to humor.”

From Barry Sommer at Islam Today Oregon.

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