Symmetry for Health by Mary Jane Popp
Symmetry for Health by Mary Jane Popp
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Are you ready to conquer that pain once and for all? How would you like to get that done without medication, without manipulation, and without expensive equipment?
According to Patrick Mummy, Founder of Symmetry for Health, you can get rid of that pain in your back, shoulder, hip, knee, headaches, migraines, TMJ, sciatica, and carpal tunnel. Sounds pretty amazing, right?
Well, he wasn’t finished. He added relief from joint injury, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia too. Now that was amazing to me when he appeared on my radio show POPPOFF.
And here’s what really added to my amazement, it’s all physics based.
Patrick explained that Symmetry for Health is a beauty of form through balanced proportions, and retrains muscles that support your body’s framework. Most modalities think back pain is a bone problem, but Patrick says it’s actually a muscle problem that’s caused by our modern lifestyle. But with our high tech world, how have we come to have so many problems with our bodies?
Simple. Modern conveniences! We sit at home, then we sit in the car, and we sit at our computers at work, back to the car and home again to park it in front of the TV set. Movement is minimal, and the body was not made for that lifestyle and doesn’t like it.
In the past, we were mobile and active because we had to be. Now our low activity causes the muscles in our body to atrophy from the big muscles like biceps to structural muscles that keep your body properly aligned. It’s actually pretty simple. When your muscles turn to mush, your body falls out of alignment, increases pressure on your joints, in the wrong way, and voila…PAIN!
Then we turn to surgery or pain meds, and the results are not encouraging. Patrick, a Division One college athlete with a degree in Kinesiology and Biomechanics has developed a program called Postural Alignment Therapy, PAT for short. PAT is physics-based and uses software to measure your individual alignment. Then that same software determines your misalignments and recommends specific exercises to correct them.
Each person has a tailored exercise program that you do in the privacy of your own home for about fifteen minutes, twice a day, over a four-month period. After that, you transition into a maintenance program to fit your particular time commitment.
And here’s the most exciting news. I have to tell you, it was a major surprise for me. Symmetry for Health has hit a home run for my situation. I began the program about three months ago. Why? I was told by my docs that I was losing bone mass at a much too high a rate.
My fear…osteoporosis. And I didn’t want to take meds that have some possibly terrible side effects. I approached Patrick with my dilemma, and he said, “Let’s give it a try.” At about two months into the program, I took another test, and you are not going to believe what I discovered. My bone loss dropped in half, and I still had two of the four month program to go.
I was thrilled, and so was my doctor. I know it works for me personally, and I think it might work for you too. You won’t know til you try. And I can tell you, the exercises are not all that hard or painful.
I want to make a difference in your life. I am personally looking for a long-term solution without medication, and I think I’ve found it. You can too.
Check out Symmetry for Health at and then call Patrick at (916) 467-7764 to make your appointment today with a Symmetry for Health practitioner near you.
All you have to lose is your pain. I always want to keep you informed about new technologies to keep you pain free!
Ill keep you up to date on my progress too! Pain is a warning! No pain is good health!
Let’s get there together!
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