Stress Pandemic
Stress Pandemic by Mary Jane Popp
Are you going crazy over problems at your job? How about that relationship that seems to be going into the dumpers? And what about that driver who cuts you off and you blow your stack? That’s called stress, and I can name a whole bunch more things in any given day that can really get to you. So would you be surprised if I told that there is a stress pandemic?
More important, what if I told you stress can cause major diseases from heart conditions to cancer, along with sadness, anger, and we become depleted and unproductive?
Got your attention yet? Well it should. Why? Because it can become life threatening! So I was happy to Paul Huljich on POPPOFF Radio with his 9-step lifestyle plan for preventing and controlling stress in his book “Stress Pandemic.”
I really wanted to take notes on this one, because I have had top docs from around the world, from traditional to alternative, and they all agree that stress is a major problem! Paul, now a blogger for Psychology offers a prescription for reducing stress in your life, and for living a balanced life that gives you more energy, happiness, and fulfillment.
I was impressed with his wish in sharing his story of how he crashed and burned at age 45. Worth 100 million dollars as one of the pioneers of the world’s organic food movements and having a beautiful wife and three young boys, didn’t stop his major stress. He had a mental breakdown and lost most of the life he had worked relentlessly to build.
Gone was his wealth. Gone was his wife. Gone was the respect of his children, friends, and colleagues. Gone was his dignity, sense of pride, and control of his life. But he never lost the will to fight back, and found a way to handle what was happening to him. Now, 14 years later, he is back and wants to help others.
He spends most of his time in New York, but visits his native land of New Zealand, and is the founder of a US non-profit organization dedicated to helping others stay mentally healthy. His story is incredible, but I wanted to share an abbreviated version of his 9-step plan with you, and they are all natural. Paul emphasized that it will not happen overnight, but once you make the commitment to change, you will begin to see results in 30 days. So here are the 9 steps:
1) TAKE CHARGE — Accept the need for change and recognize the “old you” causes stress. Know that you deserve well-being and balance. Take responsibility for making changes by making time to put those changes in practice. Renew your commitment every time you slip and fall.
2) KICK YOUR BAD HABITS — Acknowledge which habits are unhealthy, addictive, and harmful. Gradually decrease your dependence on these habits and resolve to overcome with coping mechanisms, beginning with one habit at a time.
3) LEARN TO SAY NO — Learn to say “no” to demands and requests that are not in line with your true desires. Don’t commit to obligations that you do not have the necessary time and energy for.
4) AFFIRMATION — Spend time daily to focus on your affirmations (positive statements about who you are), saying them to yourself and feeling them working in your mind and on your body.
5) EXERCISE — Exercise regularly—ideally with a 60-80 minute walk each morning, outdoors, free of all distractions, allowing yourself time and space to reflect. Where possible, spend 15 minutes a day “earthing,” that is connecting to the earth’s natural surface with your skin (by standing or walking barefoot).
6) NUTRITION — Change your eating habits by eliminating toxins from your diet, including foods containing refined sugar, artificial colors or flavors, junk food, caffeine, and alcohol. Avoid processed foods; minimize dairy intake, and red meat or pork products. Avoid seafood that contains high levels of mercury. Choose organic foods wherever possible and drink plenty of purified room-temperature water. Start your day with exercise and a vegetable juice cocktail.
7) SLEEP — You need to follow certain healthy patterns with regard to sleep, including getting seven and a half to nine hours each night. This ensures maximum recuperation and healing of the body and mind. Avoid sleeping pills.
8) THE POWER OF AWARENESS — Be mindful of your thoughts, your desires, and their likely consequences. Become more aware of what you are holding on to, and see if you can begin to forgive yourself and to love yourself. Allow yourself to embrace the present moment, enjoying fully what life has to offer here and now.
9) DON’T GIVE UP — You have the power to move forward in your life. Allow yourself time to break bad habits and form new ones that are positive. Nurture your flame of hope and maintain your commitment, regardless of the challenges you encounter.
Well, there you have the short version. Some may just seem like common sense, and others, perhaps a stretch. But how do you know until you give it a try. According to Huljich, “The nine steps are your armor and tools for dealing with the stress pandemic,” and “Each one of us is a powerful warrior in the coliseum of life. These steps equip us well for our challenges.”
“Stress Pandemic” is based on his real-life experiences, exhaustive research, and consultation with medical professionals. Stress can manifest in many ways and can have serious physical and psychological consequences.
Though stress is a fact of normal life, Paul says the number of people experiencing increased levels of it is alarming and approaching a pandemic.
You can also check out his website at
Changing your life with ideas is what we try to do on POPPOFF all the time. Stay well and don’t stress! Live life for today!
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